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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Report the news, don’t become the News…room.

My wife said something to me today before she left for work: “Oooh, Newsroom is on tonight!” and “Stop leaving dishes in the sink, we have a dishwasher for a reason!”  My wife works in the newsmedia.  I’ve stopped trying to explain exactly what it is she does, because she wears several hats there, and unfortunately, none of them are fedoras with a card saying “Press” sticking out of the band of fabric on it. When it came to light that Aaron Sorkin was creating a show for HBO called “The Newsroom” that was billed as a fast paced, fictional, insider look at a news program, we were both intrigued, though I couldn’t help but wonder, will the show shoot itself in the foot by being in the “real” world?