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Saturday, December 19, 2009

Awkward boy meets callous girl: “Nebraska” and “Some Girls Do” - A Multi Worlds Interpretation of Two Folk-Rock songs

Bruce Springsteen sat down in 1982 and wrote the haunting “Nebraska” album.  The album’s title track, “Nebraska”, was written about Charlie Starkweather, a man who, after meeting a young girl in Lincoln, Nebraska, went on a killing spree across the plains states.  Years later, a song called “Some Girls Do” would be released that bears similar themes and scenery, only exchanging the barren and haunting guitar and harmonica for a chuckle, aw-shucks, and pop-country hooks.  Allow me to elaborate.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

V: Stand-in for O?

Having watched the premiere episode of “V” last night, I feel it’s necessary to comment on my enjoyment.  I liked the show.  I think it’s well acted, I think the pacing was decent, and I think that it has lots of potential for a chess match between the resistance and the Visitors/Believers.  But I think three major points about the episode need further explanation.  The first is probably the hardest, in my mind, for the producers to explain. The second is something I hope the writers address, and perhaps they just haven’t.  The third is something that seriously bugs me about NYC movies/TV shows.