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Friday, May 17, 2013

Because No One Asked, The Star Trek Movies: Ranked, Grouped, Unexplained. UPDATE: Now with 7.4% more rankings!

This list, with grouping descriptions, includes films from the Original Series cast, the Next Generation cast, and the JJ Abrams Star Trek* movies.

The Cream of the Crop: A Cut Above the Rest
1) The Voyage Home (IV)
2) Star Trek (2009)
3) First Contact (VIII)
4) Wrath of Kahn (II)

The Long Drop: Still Good, but Flawed
5) Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
6) Undiscovered Country (VI)
7) Search for Spock (III)

The Gigantic Space Worm Has Turned: Bad, But You Can Sit Through Them
8) Insurrection (IX)
9) Nemesis (X)

Tribbles Have Less Trouble: Borderline Unwatchable
10) Final Frontier (V)
11) Generations (VII)
12) The Motion Picture (I)

By all means, include your lists in the comments section.

*-This is a ridiculous day to release this list, as I'm seeing Star Trek Into Darkness tomorrow.  I will provide an update once I appropriately rank it. UPDATE: I saw it.  Not too bad.  Didn't love it, though.

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I am rubber, and you are glue. Remember that when commenting.